
Sending Monarchs south with tags

Photo by Dave Johnson
We are heavy into monarch butterfly raising and several of our group have raised over 100!  Soon it will be time to start tagging the last generation of monarchs that will make their way to their over-wintering grounds in Mexico.  If you haven't ordered tags to tag your monarchs, please do ASAP!  

How to order tags:  http://help.monarchwatch.org/kb/article/49-monarch-tagging-process#howtoorder

If you haven't tagged monarchs before, read up on it at Monarch Watch website.

The peak time for Monarchs migrating through our area (Cedar Rapids/Iowa City is latitude 41) is September 8th - 20th.

From Dave Johnson, MEI member:   How to handle a butterfly. Make sure when you pick one up you put your fingers such that all 4 wings are being held, and that you hold from the front of the wing. That will allow your other hand to put the tag on and press to attach.

Photo by Dave Johnson


2017 RAGBRAI Milkweed Seedball Initiative a Great Success

From our good friends at Milkweed Matters:

Can you believe it? Milkweed Matters quite easily distributed over 60,000 common milkweed seedballs to more than 7,000 RAGBRAI riders just a few weeks ago. This year's seedballs were rolled by almost 3,500 Iowans at more than 80 educational events across the state. Whether you rolled seedballs, tossed them into a roadside, donated supplies, offered valuable advice, or simply have liked our Facebook page....THANK YOU! Milkweed Matters would not survive without the support of literally thousands of people who believe in the power of "crowd-planting." Here's hoping the seeds will germinate and provide invaluable habitat for Monarchs and their friends.

Click this link to find four important steps needed to happen in order for this important work to continue!

Also visit Milkweed Matters!